StrategyOne is located in Toronto. Please contact us to chat about your organisational issues, we're here to help.
Areas of Expertise
Board Governance
Strategy* Development
Organisational Analysis
Data Analytics and Visualisation
(Really) Wicked** Solutions Provision
We're a solution provider.
Strategy* Development
Organisational Analysis
Data Analytics and Visualisation
(Really) Wicked** Solutions Provision
We're a solution provider.
Strategy, Chaos and Wicked Problems
S: (n) chaos ((physics) a dynamical system that is extremely sensitive to its initial conditions)
chaos theory (n) a theory, applied in various branches of science, that apparently random phenomena have underlying order
* strategy is not strategic planning
Professor Henry Mintzberg said that "strategic planning is an oxymoron". He is right. When you formalise a "plan", it ceases to be strategic. Deliberate strategy locks you into a course of action (good or bad). Emergent strategy opens a world of opportunities.
** wicked problem (n) "a class of social system problems which are ill-formulated, where the information is confusing, where there are many clients and decision makers with conflicting values, and where the ramifications in the whole system are thoroughly confusing" (C. West Churchman, "Wicked Problems," Management Science, vol. 14, no 4 (December 1967))
chaos theory (n) a theory, applied in various branches of science, that apparently random phenomena have underlying order
* strategy is not strategic planning
Professor Henry Mintzberg said that "strategic planning is an oxymoron". He is right. When you formalise a "plan", it ceases to be strategic. Deliberate strategy locks you into a course of action (good or bad). Emergent strategy opens a world of opportunities.
** wicked problem (n) "a class of social system problems which are ill-formulated, where the information is confusing, where there are many clients and decision makers with conflicting values, and where the ramifications in the whole system are thoroughly confusing" (C. West Churchman, "Wicked Problems," Management Science, vol. 14, no 4 (December 1967))